Public Forum Meeting
Tuesday, August 29
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Public Forum Meeting Ground Rules
- This is a public discussion. We will hear many points of view and will explore many options and solutions. This will not be a debate.
- Everyone is encouraged to participate, but it is always OK to “pass” when you are asked to share a comment.
- When you speak, state your name and where you live.
- One person speaks at a time. Please refrain from side conversations and pay attention to the person speaking.
- Do your best to understand the pros and cons of every option, not just those you prefer. Be as objective and fair-minded as you can be
- Ask questions to seek clarification when you don’t understand the meaning of someone’s comments.
- No one or two individuals should dominate a discussion. If you have already voiced your ideas, please let others have an opportunity. Please be brief and to the point.